Sir Florizel Glasspole (1909-2000)

Former Governor General of Jamaica Sir Florizel was born in Kingston, Jamaica on September 25, 1909. His parents were the Rev. Theophilus A. Glasspole and Florence Baxter-Glasspole. Sir Florizel Augustus Glasspole was married and had one daughter. His wife is Ina Josephine, nee Kinlocke.EducationHe was educated at Buff Bay Infant School, Central branch Elementary School, Wolmer’s Boys School (1922-1926) and Ruskin College, Oxford, where he majored in Trade Union Studies on a one year scholarship awarded by The British Trade Union Congress in 1946. He studied accounting with a Mr. R. A. Parkinson and completed his studies by correspondence courses from The Scottish School of Accountancy.
Sir Florizel Glasspole served as Governor General from June 27, 1973 until March 3, 1991. He died on Saturday November 25, 2000 at the age 91.
Related Documents
- Sir Florizel Glasspole – September 25, 1909 – November 25, 2000: A Nation, His Monument Biography – Glasspole
- National Honours and Awards Ceremony: Sir Florizel Augustus Glasspole – October 20, 1986
- Huge Crowd Sees Grand Ceremony at King’s House. Daily News June 28, 1973, pages 1&2
- Jamaica is Fortunate -PM. Jamaica Daily News, June 28, 1973, pages 1 & 2
- His Excellency the Most Hon. Florizel Glasspole Kisses Bible as He Takes Oath of Office
- At King’s House: Glasspole Installed Today. Jamaica Daily News, Wednesday, June 27, 1973.
- His Excellency The Most Honourable Sir Florizel Glasspole: State Funeral
- Honouring the Glasspoles: Spoken Thoughts of the GG.
- Florence Glasspole, sister of GG is dead. The Daily Gleaner, June 6, 1984.
- Over the Years with Jamaica’s New Governor General: Florizel Augustus Glasspole. June 1, 1973.
- The Long Road to King’s House for Florizel Glasspole. By Ivorall Davis. The Star. May 24, 1973, pages 10-11
- Glasspole, His Excellency the Most Honourable Florizel Augustus, O.N., C.D., Governor General. The Daily Gleaner, September 21, 1973.
- Did you know? Hon. Florizel Glasspole. Daily News, June 27, 1973.
- Our New GG ‘We’re Starting a Tradition’ Says the New GG. By Carl L. Wint. The Daily News, June 28, 1973, pages 1 and 2.
- Sir Florizel Glasspole: ‘The Brown Bomber.’
- One Woman’s Work of Art. The Sunday Sun, February 27, 1983, page 2
- Governor General Sir Florizel Glasspole. The Daily News, September 11, 1982.
- Glasspole Knighted. The Daily News, April 18, 1981.
- GG to become Honorary Member: Sir Florizel Glasspole. The Daily News, April 21, 1981
- Sir Florizel: Hearty congratulation to Sir Florizel. The Star, April 22, 1981
- Congratulations: the Knighthood Conferred on Governor General Florizel Glasspole. Jamaica Daily News, April 21, 1981, page 6
- Miss Lou and Governor General Florizel Glasspole – July 10, 1981
- GG for the Royal Wedding. The Daily Gleaner, July 8, 1981
- Obit: Glasspole – Jamaica’s Second Native Governor General: Florizel Augustus Glasspole
- GG for Miami: Sir Florizel Glasspole. Jamaica Daily News, April 23, 1981.
- The Night Belongs to Sir Florizel. The Daily Gleaner, September 28, 1981, pages 1 & 12
- Sir Florizel, Lady Glasspole Return from Royal Wedding. The Daily Gleaner, July 31, 1981
- Farewell Call: Governor-General, the Most Hon. Sir Florizel Glasspole. The Daily Gleaner, July 26, 1981.
- GG to Get UWI Honorary Degree. The Daily Gleaner, July 11, 1981.
- GG Hands Over the Reins – July 21, 1981.
- Governor General Florizel Glasspole Presenting Award to Rev. Eddie Burke
- The Gleaner Award to GG. The Daily News, April 3, 1980
- Tenacious’ that’s the New Word for the New GG. By Betty Russell. The Daily News. June 28, 1973, page 16-17.
- Funds Search Launched. The Daily News, October 1, 1979.
- Groups Back GG’s Stand. The Daily News, November 19, 1978.
- Mrs. Glasspole Left a Name ‘Fragrant to Remember’. The Star, Saturday July 26, 1975.
- Florizel Glasspole. Daily Gleaner, May 24, 1973.
- Glasspole: His Excellency the Most Honourable Florizel Glasspole.
- Glasspole Named Governor General
- Biographical Notes: The Governor General, Florizel Augustus Glasspole
- Honorary Doctor of Laws on GG: Sir Florizel Glasspole. The Daily News, March 12, 1983.
- Sir Florizel and Lady Glasspole. By Jean Lowrie-Chin. Flair Magazine, October 29, 1985, pages 16 & 17.
- Queen Hails GG on 75th birthday – The Daily Gleaner, September 25, 1984, page 1.
- Degree for GG. The Daily News – February 25, 1983.
- Royal honours for GG, Others. The Daily News, February 18, 1983.
- Sir Florizel’s 80 years: an Extraordinary Journey. By Jean Lowrie-Chin. The Sunday Gleaner, October 1989, page 12c. Well Done
- Sir Florizel. Jamaica Records, September 27, 1989.
- The GG’s Tenure of Office, 13 Years of Hard Work and Fun. By Winsome Smith. The Sunday Gleaner, July 6, 1986, page 5. GG
- Gets JRC’s Lifetime Pass. The Jamaica Records, August 9, 1990.
- Sir Florizel Glasspole Celebrates 15 Years of Sterling Contribution as Nation’s GG. By Garfield Grandison. The Daily Gleaner, June 26, 1988.
- Glasspole to Retire Year End. Jamaica Records, Saturday July 14, 1990, page 3.
- The GG 15 Yyears on the Job: with Fairplay and Integrity. The Daily Gleaner, July 19, 1988.
- The GG is Bowing Out. The Daily Gleaner, August 18, 1989, page 1.
- Special Olympics Award: Sir Florizel Receives Top Honour. Gleaner Sports Special, Tuesday February 20, 1990, page 6.
- GG Gets Award. Jamaica Records, Saturday, June 9, 1990, page 10.
- G-G Honoured, Raps Bad Behavior. The Daily Gleaner, September 11, 1989.
- More Praises for Glasspole. The Daily Observer, November 28, 2000.
- Glasspole to be Buried on Tuesday. The Gleaner, Wednesday, November 29, 2000.
- Sir Florizel, Patriot Extraordinaire. The Gleaner, Monday, December 4, 2000.
- Honouring the Glasspoles. The Daily Gleaner, January 30, 1991.
- Former Governor General, Sir Florizel Glasspole. The Daily Gleaner, July 15, 1991, page 2.
- Governor General Sir Florizel Glasspole and Lady Glasspole. The Daily News, August 2, 1981.
- Sir Florizel Described as Most Outstanding Parliamentarian. JIS News Release
- I have Created a New Image: Florizel Augustus Glasspole
- Sworn to Duty – Sir Florizel Kissing the Bible
- Biography – His Excellency the Most Honourable Sir Florizel Augustus Glasspole, ON, CD, GCMG, LL.D (Hon).
- A Chap Named Florizel. Spotlight News Magazine, May 1961, pages 14-16.
- His Excellency the Most Honourable Sir Florizel Glasspole, ON, CD, GCMG
- The Mutual Security Bank Foundation Awards Ceremony – June 6th, 1990.
- The Mutual Security Bank Foundation Awardee 1989: His Excellency the Most Honourable Florizel Glasspole, ON, GCMG, GCVO, CD, LLD
- Ten Round Gun Salute for Sir Florizel – JIS News Release
- Body of Sir Florizel to Lie in State – JIS News Release
- Condolence Books Open at Foreign Missions for Sir Florizel – JIS News Release
- Senate Pays Tribute to Sir Florizel – JIS News Release
- Sir Florizel Laid to Rest Beside Lady Glasspole – JIS News Release
- Route for Sir Florizel’s Funeral Procession – JIS News Release
- Profile – His Excellency the Most Honourable Sir Florizel Augustus Glasspole, ON, GCMG, CD, LLD.
- His Excellency the Most Honourable Sir Florizel Augustus Glasspole, ON, GCMG, GCVO: State Funeral (Programme)