876-967-1526 nlj@nlj.gov.jm

Digital Reproduction Policy

A. Conditions determining the supply of reproduction of images

1.    Rarity of the Material. In determining the rarity of material the following are given consideration: age and provenance of the item (national publications taking precedence), first editions, limited editions, autographed copies, out of print.
2.    Physical Condition of the Material. If the item requested is considered too fragile or extensively damaged, and needs ‘special handling’, (i.e. needs to be dismantled or a great deal of work done in terms of repair) the material may not be reproduced. This will be determined on a case by case basis.
3.    Access and Duplication agreements governing donated material.
4.    Copyright Status of the material. Reproduction, regardless of medium of reproduction is governed by the existing copyright laws.
5.    For material out of copyright The National Library of Jamaica will not generally duplicate an inordinate portion; (Inordinate amount being more than 25%).
6.    For purposes other than research and study, including exhibitions and publications, requests for reproduction will be considered on a case by case basis and the NLJ reserves the right to refuse to reproduce any item in its collection.
7.    The resolution at which the reproduction is given is dependent on the size of the original image and the purpose for which the copy will be used.
8.    Requests for reproductions must be made by way of the Image Order Form overleaf.

B. Restrictions on reproduction of images supplied

1.    It is strictly prohibited to deposit the images supplied with another individual, repository or library.
2.    For reproduction of images supplied all responsibility for questions of copyright that may arise must be assumed by the applicant.