If you are searching for a Jamaican poem but you only know
the author, or only know the title or only
know the first line then this Index to Jamaican
Poetry will tell you in which book(s) you will find the
poem you seek. This is an author, title, first line index to
Jamaican poetry in anthologies, journals and in single author poetry
publications in the National Library of Jamaica (NLJ). By
Jamaican Poetry we mean authored by someone who
was born in Jamaica, naturalized as a Jamaican or who can
claim at least one parent as Jamaican.
The NLJ has expended the resources in compiling and
disseminating this resource because it fills a need and
because we have every expectation that it will help to
promote greater awareness of Jamaican poetry. The index is
an ongoing compilation and your feedback to omissions will
be greatly appreciated as this will help us to further build
this most comprehensive collection of published Jamaican