876-967-1526 nlj@nlj.gov.jm

User Registration

Register online Now

All users of the Library’s Reading Rooms are required to have a User Card issued by the Library as this is a critical component in securing the Library’s collection. The cards can be obtained by completing a registration form and presenting a valid identification and proof of address to staff in the Daphne Douglas Reading Room (ground floor). All users are required to register in person.

Please be advised that cards are issued free of charge but there is a charge of $100 Jamaican dollars to replace a lost or stolen card.


Download PDF below: 

User Registration Form

NLJ User Registration


The National Library of Jamaica is moving towards improving its services to benefit you are valued customers through advance and efficient technology in order to satisfy and provide value. The use of the Online registration form is to provide the convenience of registering online from the convenience of you home, Register Online Today.