Get Your ISBN!
Get your ISBN from Jamaica’s ONLY Authorised Agency in as little as 10 days!
With this designation, we ensure that each ISBN that is issued is unique worldwide
Get guidance via phone on the ISBN process and other related services from our experienced team. Scheduled appointment required for face-to-face session.
What’s In An ISBN?
International Standard Book Number?
The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is an internationally accepted code that provides a unique numerical identification for a publication. Publishers purchase ISBNs from an affiliate of the International ISBN Agency. The National Library of Jamaica (NLJ) is the only ISBN agency in Jamaica which has the responsibility to assign ISBNs to local publications.
The ISBN is 13 digits long if assigned on or after 1 January 2007. Prior to that it was 10 digits.
The 13 digits of the features a hyphen separating each section and it has five parts:
Check Digit: permits mathematical checking for accuracy
Publication Element: identifies a specific edition of a publication by a specific publisher
Registrant Element: identifies a particular publisher or imprint with a registration group
Registration Group Element: identifies the country’s geographical region or language area, participating in the ISBN system
Prefix Element: a 3-digit number that is made available by EAN International.

What are you waiting for?

Application Form Options
The application for ISBN Registrant Element is required to be completed by first-time applicant and is a one-time process with a fee of US$20 (see fee structure).
A copy of the ISBN Request form should be completed for each publication to which an ISBN is to be assigned. Each format of a title requires a different ISBN. For example, if you will publish an eBook, Paperback, and hardcover of the book, The Dog That Never Barks, you will need three (3) ISBNs.
The processing time for ISBN requests is 10 working days from receipt of the correctly completed form. This excludes Saturdays, Sundays and holidays and is from the date the correctly completed form is received in the Agency and not the day on which it was posted or emailed.
Download a fillable PDF copy of the forms. Complete and send to
Application & Request
The Regional Agency, CARICOM, through a fee-based service requires new publishers (i.e. those who are requesting participation in the Regional ISBN System for the first time) to pay a non-refundable registration fee and also for each block of ISBNs which is allocated.
The completed ‘Application for an ISBN Registrant Element’ form will be processed only if the publisher satisfies the necessary criteria for eligibility as outlined under heading ‘Eligibility of Publishers including:
As a National ISBN Agency, the National Library of Jamaica has responsibility for the assignment of the ISBN Registrant Element to eligible publishers with a residence or office in Jamaica and who are publishing their titles within Jamaica.
The National Library will not assign ISBNs to publishers based outside of Jamaica. All communication will be between the NLJ and the publisher or publishing company.
Publishers’ products include Printed books and pamphlets, electronic publication, Educational or instructional software and more.
For a comprehensive listing , visit

Fee Payment
The registration fee does not apply to persons who have been previously allocated ISBNs by the National Library of Jamaica.
Payment should be made ONLY after the NLJ has accepted the application and notified the applicant accordingly. Applications will be processed only after fees have been received.
Publishers / Applicants may pay using either of the available payment options below. The details for each payment option is sent to the applicant once the application is reviewed and approved (see eligibility of publisher):
International Bank Draft
No longer accepted
Our Online Payment Page
Wire Transfer
Fees for ISBN are payable to the Caribbean Community Secretariat and facilitated by the National Library of Jamaica.
The value of this draft amount of fees paid is based on whether the publisher is new or already registered, the payment method selected and the number of ISBNs being requested. The processing fees are as follows:
The one-off non-refundable registration fee is payable by all new publishers requesting ISBNs regardless of the size of the output
Please note that proof of posting is not proof of delivery and we can accept no responsibility for applications which do not arrive. We will send a confirmation within 3 working days of receipt.
1 ISBN | 20.00 |
10 ISBNs | 50.00 |
100 ISBNs | 300.00 |
1,000 ISBNs | 700.00 |
10,000 ISBNs | 1,500.00 |
Number Issuance
We will not provide ISBNs via telephone.
Once payment is successful and verified by our team, the applicant receives a confirmation email which will confirm the issue of their unique number(s).
Our team will also submit the publisher’s information to the regional body for inclusion in their listing.