Board of Management
Governed by a Board of Management appointed by the Minister of government under whose portfolio the NLJ falls, the Board comprises a minimum of eleven (11) persons but no more than thirteen (13). They serve for a period of three years.
The current members are:
1. Ms. Joy Douglas, OD – Chairman
2. Ms. Lydia Rose – Deputy Chairman
3. Rev. Canon Michael Allen
4. Mr. Vivian Crawford, OD
5. Professor Edward Baugh, CD
6. Mrs. Dawn Henry
7. Dr. Paulette Kerr
8. Ms. Justine Henzell
9. Mr. Mark-Jeffery Deans
10. Ms. Beverley Lashley, National Librarian
11. Mr. Rolforde Johnston, Staff Representative
The Board of Management is responsible for the policy guidelines and general administration of the Library. There are eight advisory committees, each consisting of at least two Board Members and one member of staff and assist the Board in carrying out its functions. These Advisory committees are:
Facilities, Planning and Building
Human Resource and Administration
Poet Laureate
Collections Development Advisory Committee
Editorial and Publication
Preservation and Conservation
The Chairman of the Board of Management and the National Librarian are ex-officio on all Committees. External persons may be appointed by the Chairman of the Board as required. The Board of Management meets quarterly but the Chairman may call meetings as necessary. Board Committees meet as least twice yearly.
We enhance the quality of life and prosperity of all citizens by acquiring, preserving and providing access to Jamaica’s cultural and historical information through research and education