National Digital Library Services for the Blind- NDLSB
The NDLSB portal dramatically increases the accessibility of books. NDLSB believes that Jamaicans with disabilities deserve the same ease of access to books and periodicals that people without disabilities enjoy.
Digital Talking Books
The resources within this portal are restricted to persons registered as Blind with the Jamaica Society for the Blind
The TIGAR Project
Vision 2030 Jamaica
DAISY 4 /EPUB3: What Does It All Mean?
Many end users who read DAISY books are limited by what is available to them from their library. They should be able to borrow or purchase accessible content from a wide variety of sources, just as most of the population does.The book famine that has plagued people who have a print disability for so long, will begin to be alleviated. Read More
Check Out Librophile
Visually Impaired included in Copyright Act
Visually Impaired included in the Copyrght Act. Cabinet by way of cabinet decision 16/11 dated April 11, 2011 has given approval for ammendment to the copyright Act to reflect. Read MoreĀ